<%@language=vbscript codepage=936 %> <% Option Explicit '强制浏览器重新访问服务器下载页面,而不是从缓存读取页面 Response.Buffer = True Response.Expires = -1 Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 1 Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Dim ChannelID, ArticleID, sql, rs, Hits, ShowType, Action, IsLinkUrl %> <% Call OpenConn ArticleID = Rosin_CLng(Trim(request("ArticleID"))) ShowType = Rosin_CLng1(Trim(request("ShowType"))) Action = Trim(request("Action")) IsLinkUrl = False If Action = "Count" Then Set rs = Conn.Execute("select sum(Hits) from Rosin_Article where ChannelID=" & ChannelID) If IsNull(rs(0)) Then Hits = 0 Else Hits = rs(0) End If rs.Close Set rs = Nothing Else If ArticleID = 0 Then Hits = 0 Else sql = "select Hits,linkUrl from Rosin_Article where Deleted=" & Rosin_False & " and Status=3 and ArticleID=" & ArticleID & " and ChannelID=" & ChannelID & "" Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs.open sql, Conn, 1, 3 If rs.bof And rs.EOF Then Hits = 0 Else Hits = rs(0) + 1 rs(0) = Hits rs.Update End If If rs("LinkUrl")<>"" Then IsLinkUrl = True Else IsLinkUrl = False End If rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End If End If Select Case ShowType Case 0 Case 1 If IsLinkUrl = False Then Response.Write "document.write('" & Hits & "');" End Select Call CloseConn %>